Time members while they speak at meetings. See who chatters the most in meetings.
View average and total speaking time of members for all recorded meetings.
Share the stats for one meeting or for all meetings.
View and share charts.
Export to Excel so you can add your own lovely charts and graphs as you see fit.
You can export and import the database.
Feel free to report bugs or suggestions here: https://github.com/caarmen/scrumchatter/issues?direction=desc&sort=updated&state=open
Note: this app does NOT use the microphone to automatically detect who is speaking. You must press "play" for a team member when he or she speaks (see the screenshots).
1.6.6: Fix crash when rotating the setting screen with the theme dialog visible.
1.6.4: Bug fixes: empty meeting list display, chronometer during meeting.
1.6.3: Maintenance release
1.6.2: Removed EXTERNAL_STORAGE permissions.
1.6.0: Added Japanese translation by Naofumi Fukue.
1.5.4: Maintenance release
1.5.3: You can start/stop a member's speaking by tapping anywhere on the member's row.
1.5.1/1.5.2: In charts, always use the same color for a given member
1.5.0: Improved UI on tablets
1.6.4: Bug fixes: empty meeting list display, chronometer during meeting.1.6.3: Maintenance release1.6.2: Removed EXTERNAL_STORAGE permissions.1.6.0: Added Japanese translation by Naofumi Fukue.1.5.4: Maintenance release1.5.3: You can start/stop a member's speaking by tapping anywhere on the member's row.1.5.1/1.5.2: In charts, always use the same color for a given member1.5.0: Improved UI on tablets1.4.0: New theme mode: automatically choose between light and dark
1.6.3: Maintenance release1.6.2: Removed EXTERNAL_STORAGE permissions.1.6.0: Added Japanese translation by Naofumi Fukue.1.5.4: Maintenance release1.5.3: You can start/stop a member's speaking by tapping anywhere on the member's row.1.5.1/1.5.2: In charts, always use the same color for a given member1.5.0: Improved UI on tablets1.4.0: New theme mode: automatically choose between light and dark1.3.3: Maintenance release1.3.2: Improve the file selection for the database import.